Tech Articles

Tech opinions and articles.

  • The War on JavaScript Just Got Interesting

    If you follow any JavaScript publication or newsletter you probably saw these disclaimers referencing Oracle's trademark ownership to avoid legal complications. If you're like me you’ll probably ask yourself why a company known for their databases, and not web development is involved in this. Well, the explanation is kind of mind blowing.

  • The Future Of Web Development

    It’s been a rough year for web developers. Vercel launched a tool that makes website creation as simple as describing your ideas, the creators of Qwik JS are promising Figma designs to code in minutes and, of course, it seems like a new generative AI model targeting development is launched every other week. It’s a whirlwind of change, and developers have every reason to feel a bit…unsettled.

  • How Good Is AI Actually?

    If you’re like me, you might have been tuning out the whole AI hype train for a while. But recently, the developments have become too big to ignore, so it’s probably a good time to get up to speed with what’s happening in the industry.

  • The Biggest Dev Lies

    I watched an interview with one of DoorDash's engineering leads who was involved in the migration of their monolithic application to microservices. Surprisingly enough his thoughts on the entire process would probably be categorized as hot takes in the industry these days, but, when you really think about it, he is making a lot of sense.

  • Astro 5 Has It All

    If you are looking for an easy, no BS way to build modern web apps, the wait is over. Astro 5 was just announced, and what you might not realize is that we got to the point where this framework can’t be ignored anymore. Let me explain.

  • The Secret to a Happy Dev Life

    Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Here is the thing. For as long as I can remember I really really enjoyed solving problems through coding. So one would expect that my web developer job makes me pretty happy, right? Well… not really.

  • Web Dev The Right Way

    Web Development. That mythical place where script kitties turned “senior full stack software engineers” argue endlessly over the most recent dev trends or the best frontend frameworks and then somehow manage to mess up checking their duplicated React component into git.

  • TypeScript The Right Way

    You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. JavaScript is the most used language in the world for quite some time, and it has definitely turned into a villain for many developers. And let’s be honest! The critics make some fair points.

  • Write Better Code

    There is this famous comic stating that the only valid measurement of code quality is the WTF per minute ratio.Well… in all honesty, this is actually one of the most accurate depictions of software development.

  • The Right Way To Build REST APIs

    All your favorite websites have one thing in common - they are powered by REST APIs which facilitate the exchange of data between backend servers and client browsers or mobile devices over the network.

  • What We Learned From the Polyfill Attack

    You probably heard by now about the Polyfill supply chain attack. After all, when more than a hundred thousand sites are affected by a single compromised CDN, people start paying attention.

  • What to Learn in 2024

    The wait is finally over! The results of the State of JavaScript were just released, and this one is full of surprises.

  • Create a GPT Wrapper

    Chat GPT 4o was just released, so brace yourselves for yet another round of articles announcing the end of the software developer.